Hi. It appears that you have oral
gingivitis (inflammation of gums), chelitis (inflammation of the lips) glositis (inflammation of the tongue) and
acute pharyngitis ( inflammation of the throat)
These are usually precipitated by
multivitamin deficiency and the bumps on your throat wall suggest granular nature of pharyngitis which may be indicative of a viral infection.
I would recommend that you supplement your self with a multivitamin capsule that has vitamin B complex and vitamin C ( Cap Becosule Z) once daily after breakfast for a month to help the gum and tongue in its healing proces. An oral antiseptic rinse and gargle with dilute
Betadine or
chlorhexidine is recommended three times daily before and after meals.
Watch for
fever, foul breath and worsening of symptoms in which case you must see your treating physician or
ENT specialist for a detailed examination, blood workup and prescription of antibiotic medication.
In the mean while avoid spicy diet, reduce tea/coffee/smoking/alcohol and drink plenty of fluids (approx. 1-2 litres per day).
Do not worry as all viral infections are usually self limiting and you should be back to normal in a few weeks. Let me know if you have any other queries