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After reviewing the information shared, a few things come to mind
Following are the possibilities:
Chronic constipation - IBS-C
2) Bacterial overgrowth syndrome
3) Gastritis
4) Medication side effect - esp. psychiatric medications
What to do now:-
1) Avoid constipation with a large platter of salad, sprouts or
Sat Isabgol 1- 2 tsp three times per day.
2) Take 3 to 4 LT of water, measured by a bottle everyday.
3) Decrease the size of each serving. Use smaller plates and bowls to enjoy food.
2) Add more veggies and salads (without dressing) in each meal.
3) Have frequent and small meals.
4) Eat at a slower pace, esp when you have a hunger prang.
5) Avoid sugar in your tea.
Talk to your treating doctor regarding the above information.
I hope that helps in addressing your concerns.
In case you need more information regarding anything or
second opinion after visiting your doctor or help regarding what to do, kindly followup with a detailed dietary and lifestyle description or discuss it with your local doctor.
In case you need more information or second opinion after visiting your doctor and help regarding what to choose and why, kindly followup.
Please leave a feedback regarding this advice.