I have gone through your query and can understand your concern....
As per your complain in case if there is
pain in teeth on taking both hot and
cold foods then it is most probably due to deep infection or decay in teeth and will need
Root Canal Treatment..
Yes, it is true that for Root Canal Treatment, the
dentist has to give anaesthesia but it is a local anaesthesia and only the area of the treatment is made numb in this case..
If you are asked to go to Rainbow hospital for getting anaesthesia then it is possible that he wants to do the treatment in
general anaesthesia to make your child sleep..
Although nothing is wrong in even that as toddlers are anxious and will not co-operate in treatment, so general anaesthesia eases the treatment procedure..
But my suggestion is to consult a Paediatric dentist or Pedodontist and get evaluated and first you should get an attempt to get the treatment done in local anaesthesia or conscious sedation..
In case if the child does not co-operate at all then only proceed to General Anaesthesia..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..