My brain MRI revealed a hazy part deep in my left parietal lobe. The MRI was without contrast, due to my stage 2 kidney disease. My neurologist said that there was a 95% chance that the haziness was due to a cluster of veins, which was benign and not uncommon. The radiologist recommended another MRI, with contrast, to determine more accurately what was going on. Instead, I opted to wait for a year for a follow-up MRI to determine if the hazy part had grown or not. My neurologist also has scheduled another appt. in 2 months to keep track of things: I was hit by a bus last November and sustained a mild/moderate bump to the head in my various injuries. I also have a left hand tremor, which presented itself after the accident, and had various balance issues at the end of August, which seem to be resolved at the moment. My question is: can the haziness in the MRI also be the result of the accident? I am 186 pounds, female, and 62 years old.