When my daughter was in her teens, she started shaking, mainly her arms and hands when she would be handing you something like glass of milk or a plate. At the time our medical Dr. told us that it was not uncommon for this to happen, it may go away, and she may have it the rest of her life. He told us the name of it, but she is now 53 years old and still has the condition but we don t have the name of it. She is applying for a hospitalization card that needs proof she is disabled and we need the name of what she has, as it is preventing her from a lot of jobs she can t do and since her husband passed away on Jan 5th at age 52, ( and he was their source of income ) she needs help getting hospitalization (she has none now) and we need the name of her shaking to put on the application. Can you help us. She has no money to go to a Dr. right now, and all we need is the name of her shaking.