I am speaking on behalf of my father, Mr. Nirmal Chandra Banerjee, aged 84 years, residing in Kolkata.
For the past 10 years or so he has been suffering with trigunal nuralgia on the facial nerves. he was under treatment of Dr. Prasanjit Chakrabarty, associated with Ruby Hospital. He used to be ok with oral tablets, specially Gabantin / Gabapin 300 - 3 tablets per day, along with a host of other medicines, for about 6 months, after which again the medicines would be changed. This continued till last year he said that oral medicines would not work any more and he needed to visit a pain Therapist. He suggested we go to Dr. Abhijit Banerjee. Dr. Banerjee has administered 6% Phenol in aquaous solution twice and recently 8%.
Would like to know if this line of treatment is okay and if not what are the alternative methods.
Thanks & Regards,
Rumela Mukherjee