I am extremely fatigued. My whole body is sore to touch. I have an elevated cea of 7 something. I do not smoke. they had me do a ct scan abd/pelvis, chest xray, colonoscopy and a ct scan of chest because they saw a nodule but said it was benign. i am 56 yrs old. i can lay in bed and touch my toenails with my other foot and it is painful to touch. I have had colon cancer at age 44 and had 3 1/2 feet taken out. I did have hyperthyroidism and then turned into hypothyroidism but had a radioactive pill or something like that to kill the thyroid so I would not have to take meds for the rest of my life. Having some pains in left chest area. I also had a couple of nodules taken out of my right breast 2 wks b4 colon surgery. I am under a lot of stress at the present due to husbands severe stroke as I am caring for him and he is paralyzed on his r side. I have double duty on everything. I have pain in my hands and hard sometimes to grip things. My mother had rheumatoid arthritis. when i get stressed, my muscles in my neck hurt. I have several fibroids. I have had several d and c s, couple of laprosocopies. I feel pressure under my skin in my legs almost like burning sensation. I get charley horses frequenty and have to get up and walk them off and it sometimes takes a while, then sometimes, I turn it bed and it feels like my bones in lower legs pull out of place and twist. got any ideas what I may have or what I should be tested for. I have always had a high uric acid. thank you