Hi, my name is Kim. I am 54 years old and I had a partial hysterectomy 9 years ago. 2 years ago, I was feeling exhausted, weight gain, low libdo, not sleeping having hot flashes, night sweats and brain fog, so I went to an anti-aging specialist who put me on HRT that included estrogen and progesterone. Since that time, I have lost 30 pounds, my energy has come back and the other symptoms had improved. I recently went to my OB/GYn and he took me off everything. He told me I didn t need to be on HRT if I was having symptoms and that I shouldn t be taking progesterone since I didn t have a uterus. So I went off of the therapy and now 8 weeks later, all the symptoms have come back. Could you clarify why I shouldn t be on HRT? I am at a loss as to who s advice and treatment I should follow and I don t like having these symptoms again. Thank you