I understand your concern.
You are breast feeding ,,mother of a 10 months baby.
Actually on an average, 11-12 kgs of weight gain is normal during
pregnancy. which comes back to normal i8n one year after delivery when mother breast feeds
* I feel the extra weight gain you had was due to your thyroid problem. You are taking medicines, but I would suggest reassessment of
thyroid function tests & consultation of an
Endocrinologist for treatment.Sufficient thyroid replacement along with
- breast feeding,
- exercises ( walking/yoga/ suryanamaskaras-45 minutes), adequate sleep of 8 hours,
-healthy eating with 1500 extra calories in form of
proteins, vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium.life style would reduce your weight ( no sweets,starches,fast food, fried spicy things cakes,pastries etc),
* I would also advise for fasting & post meal blood
glucose to exclude diabetes- another cause for excess weight gain.