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Acne, there is no one time solution. Treatment if often long.
Once your acne is under control even then you need to use a maintenance gel, comonly a retinoid, to prevent the new lesions/comedones from developing.
Presently you seem to have a flare of acne.
-I usually start my patients of acne on topical
benzoyl peroxide gel 2.5% for day time use.
-At night I as my patients to apply a topical retinoid e.g either Adapalene OR Adapalene+
clindamycin combination. Retinoids are good both for acne as well as post acne marks/hyperpigmentation
-I also decide to start my patients on
oral antibiotics if they have inflammatory acne.
-Once acne activity is under control, I usually start my patients on a cream containing skin lightening agents for post-inflamatory hyperpigmentation e.g
kojic acid preparations.
As I already mentioned before, since acne is a recurrent condition and once your acne is brought under good control with oral and topical antiacne medicines, you should still continue to use a cream/gel e.g topical retinoid for maintenance of improvement.
Topical retinoids are ideal for maintenance of improvement because they are comedolytic as well as antiinflammatory, thereby preventing the formation of new acne.