To Whom It May Concern: When I was 8 months pregnant, I was made aware that my husband was having an affair. I fell into a deep dark depression during this time and would sleep all day to find relief from the pain and anguish that came along with my heartbreak. After my son was born, I continued to sleep every chance that I got and would wrap my baby up in a blanket and position my son the same way. Without realizing it, my son ended up with plagiocephaly. By the time it was called to my attention, it was too late for my son. The sutures in his skull had already closed. I was informed this evening, while doing homework with my children, that my nephew was teasing my son for having a dent in his head. The comment regarding my sons head brought tears to my eyes. I haven’t been able to forgive myself and I don’t think I ever will. My son is currently 6 yrs old and will turn 7 this October. I have many concerns for my son. My son has never had a hair cut in his entire life. I braid his hair down in efforts to try to disguise the deformity located on the right side of his head. We are African-American and one day, after my son graduates from college, he will need to be appropriate to interview for jobs. No one will want to hire my son with braids in his hair. He needs to be able to cut his hair and wear suits proudly. Also, both his grandfather and father are bald. What happens to my son if his hair pattern follows in that same direction? When my son was born, his head shape was absolutely perfect. I want my son to be able to fit in with society and not be ashamed or judged on his deformity. My son is an innocent child and if there were anyway I could take his place I would. Is there anyway that an implant can be created for my son with the help of 3d imaging? Thank you for all of your help from a desperate and guilt felt mom.