As per your query acne or pimples can occur due to a few common causes like:
1.Oily skin.
2.Hormonal imbalances.
3.Excessive sun exposure.
4.Bacterial Infection.
I would suggest you to wash your face using mild face wash with active ingredients like
benzoyl peroxide and
salicylic acid.
Apply Azelic acid containing cream on face.
Apply a mixture of benzoyl peroxide and clindamycn containing ointments over the pimples.
Do cold compresses over pimples.
Avoid all harsh skin cosmetics and apply ony aloevera gel over face.
If you have oily skin avoid oily and junk food and try to keep your face dry and wash your face with cold water..
Drink plenty of water and take a homecooked nutritious food.
Take a multivitamin tablet daily..
If you do not find improvement
consult a Dermatologist and he can advise you
oral antibiotics Like Muricoprin, retinoids and in-office skin treatmet like
glycolic acid peeling and dermabrasion..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.