Hi & Welcome to HCM.
I appreciate your concern for the raised
liver enzymes.
To reduce the raised enzymes you need to have some life style modifications like:
1.Avoid taking alcohol or alcohol containing beverages (IF YOU ARE ALCOHOLIC), as they can cause a toxic
injury to the liver.
2. Avoid fatty meals (both vegan and non vegan), fast and junk foods, salted snacks, dry fruits, red meat, egg yolk, sweetened carbonated drinks and
3. Eat a balanced healthy diet (vegetables, cereals, fruits, baked fish and poultry). A homed cooked food is highly recommended.
4. Continue doing regular exercise,
yoga can also be beneficial.
5. Only one drug is found to be beneficial in reducing the raised liver enzymes i.e., Take
Vitamin E containing supplements.
Hope the advice given above could be of great help to you in getting the raised liver enzymes reduced.