Hello dear , Hi
Warm welcome to Healthcaremagic.com
I have evaluated your query thoroughly .
* The ways to rule out
gall bladder attack involve multiple approaches
combined together on clinical grounds
* Symptoms
- Pain right upper abdomen ( sometimes dull , achy ; at times severe ,
sharp ) , aggravated by oily , spicy , dairy fats .
- Associated burning
epigastrium ,
vomiting , pain upper back in varying
number of cases .
Jaundice in case of obstruction of biliary system via stone in the
cystic duct or common bile duct .
* Signs
- Clinical assessment reveals tenderness in the right hypochondrium
epigastrium depending upon the severity internally .
* Diagnosis
- High resolution
ultrasound of abdomen & pelvis ( on empty stomach )
- CT abdomen & pelvis with contrast
MRI - Supportive lab tests .
The choice of the investigation depends upon the clinician judgement .
Hope this clears your doubt .
Welcome for any further guidance .
Regards .