I am 26 yr old female, I see a black silhouette, not a ghost I think, I am not sure, my family says when I was small girl I used to wake up almost every night and start getting scared and would keep on crying and even draw and show them what I am getting scared of . I don t seem to remember any of what happened in my childhood. I still seldom do get bouts of those episodes and I just get very frightened and start crying, I don t know what do I see exactly, I don t remember because the fear is too intense, all I remember is I see some huge things, I do see insects crawling on the wall but I know they are not real. lately I have been getting suicidal thoughts, I want to hurt myself, I have no problem with my family and boyfriend, but I feel I am not able to keep anyone happy,I have hurt so many People in my life for which I feel guilty even after pleading to God. I was on anti anxiety drugs, Clonazepam for few months then stopped it. Please advice me as to what I should do. Thank you