thank you for the question
usually falls can cause muscular, ligament or even bony
injury to the feet depending on the intensity or severity of the fall.
in all 3 conditions there will be pain and swelling. In case of
bone fracture the pain is very intense and doesn't relieve on icing.
muscular and ligamentous injuries do respond to icing initially for 2 days.
at the present condition you can continue icing for initial 2 days after the fall. and wrap the swollen part of foot in a crepe bandage and keep the foot elevated by placing a pillow under the foot in lying position and in sitting position also keep the foot on a table in front of the patient.
on the third day you can give hot fomentation to the foot by dipping it in a bucket of warm water and repeat the same. give your foot some rest dont put much body weight on that foot for 3-4 days.
all of this done at home for initial 3-4 days if doesn't still help.
kindly see a doctor (orthopaedician or physical therapist)
wish you good health