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You seem to be having
anal fissure.An anal fissure is a painful cut in the lining of the anus.Tears generally occur just inside the opening.
A large, dry, or hard stool can tear the lining of the anus. Frequent
diarrhea or irritation of the anus and
rectum may also lead to a tear.About half of all fissures heal on their own or with self-care. Fissures that are fairly new are easier to heal than ones that have persisted for longer than three months
You must consult a doctor and get examined if it persists.
generally treatment aims to heal the cut and prevent future anal problems. .
constipation by drinking enough water daily.Eat more fiber, Take stool softeners or bulk laxatives as directed by your doctor,Apply a medicated cream or ointment as directed by your doctor.
Use sitz bath that is Soak the anal area in warm tap water for 10-20 minutes several times daily.This helps to relieve pain and promote blood circulation.
I sincerely hope this will help you.take care