I went to an urgent care for a cyst/abcess/growth back in January and they took a culture and sent it to the lab. It came back as staph aureus to which they had told me to finish up the augmentin they had prescribed (which I did). The lump went away (it is something that has appeared for about a week, then disappeared for a couple of months over and over for about 2 years) as it normally does and so I figured it was gone, then it reappeared a couple of weeks ago and so I popped it and thought nothing of it as it went away. I have had a fever , chills, and my body has ached for the past few days. The more I look into this I m starting to think that this is getting worse and worse and it is actually MRSA not just staph aureus. Then today, I found a very small clump of about 5 (what look to be) warts on the edge of my penis . Could this maybe be some type of STD or be related in some way shape or form to the Staph Aureus? I have also come across something called manuka honey that I intend to take as I have seen it has potential ability to counteract MRSA, thoughts? Thank you.