Hi, thank you for posting.
Your sons problem is related with
narcolepsy. All the symptoms are caused by
aderall. He should stop aderall
The treatment of this disease is complex.
First of all your son should make a consult with a
neurologist and he should make the following tests to determine the degree of the disease.
1. Nocturnal polysomnogram, it measures the electricity activity of brain and heart.
2. Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), it estimates the sleep.
3. Complete
Blood Test.
To treat this disease you need too respect the following steps:
1. Narcolepsy treatment, physiological counseling.
2. Change the lifestyle to ease the symptoms of the disease.
After you get the result he should start taking Provigil(Stimulant) and Effexor(antidepressant).
He also should start vitamine therapy.
Fast Recover.