Greetings !
Welcome to the site.
Well if you have
bipolar disorder then for that you seem to be placed on a lot of drugs some of which seem to be redundant so i am mentioning below a revised drug regime that you shall discuss with your doctor.
Quetiapine shall be taken as 200 mg single dose at night with no dose to be taken in the morning.
Soltus shall be stopped since you already have an anti psychotic drug such as quetiapine in the drug regime so using two when one can be effective seems to be unnecessary.
Mirnite 7.5 mg at night needs to be stopped since this drug is not to be given in bipolar disorder because it may help in precipitation of mania and also increase
Nexito shall be continued at dose of 10 mg in the morning.
I believe you shall seek for a
second opinion on your diagnosis which will validate your current diagnosis , it is very difficult to diagnose someone online.
So to summarize your revise drug regime should look like this.
Lamitor 200 mg twice a day.
2) Quetiapine 200 mg once a day at night time single dose.
3) Nexito 10 mg single dose in the morning which can be raised to 20 mg after 1 week.
This 3 drug regime shall be effective enough to take care of your
depression and anxiety.
I hope this helps.