Dear sir; I am a 45 y/o female RN with above average intelligence. In the last 6 months i was recently prescribed 30 mg adderall bid and effexor 325mg QD for depression, motivation and attention. While I don t have a real substantial hx of any physical nor mental dx s, my gene pool has several. ADHD , Tourette s, Asperger s, ODD, OCD, Depression, Bi-polar, Anxiety, Anger, IVDA, Polysub, ETOH. There is no schizophrenia , no suicide nor homocidal behavior. I am seeking answers to my behaviors that don t seem to be quite in-step with the general population, because I have always (mostly) brought out the worst in people, make them angry, resentful, assaultive (both physically and mentally), without meaning to at all. I am straight-forward, and am surprised when it s not appreciated and am perceived as mean.