Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query.
I have gone through your query regarding
tonsillitis and you are not getting responce to antibiotic you are taking by the advice of your doctor.
As you said that you saw yellow pus points on your tonsils and you are worried about infection, so here I would like to tell you reasions of failure of antibiotic .-
(1) Ideal way of prescribing antibiotics is to follow the sensitivity report of isolated infection. But this test takes about 72 hours.Therefore in the mean time any broad spectrum antibiotic is prescribe and as soon as culture and sensitivity reports comes one should switch over to other antibiotic as per report.
(2) Blood sugar should be checked to rule out
diabetes, Because in diabetic if blood sugar is not controlled than desired effect of antibiotics can't be obtained.
(3) Oral heygine also play role in healing process, so you should take antiseptic gargle as a co-prescription.
(4) Serum
proteins are also play role in healing process.
In view of above factors you are advice for investigations for blood sugar and culture and sensitivity of throat swab. Now you take treatment according to these investgations.
I hope this will help you.
With regards.