I recently received steroid injections for herniated disc in my back. 2 Weeks later. I broke out in a bad rash. Looks like pimples on my chest, my neck, my face and now it s going to my back. I had blood work done in a few other test. The doctors really couldn t find anything and put me on bactrim . The rash was still getting worse it won t go away. The Dr said it looks like ache. I have pcos also and haven t had a period for 7 months and now started it along with this rash. She said maybe the steroids caused a hormone imbalance but she wasn t 100% sure. Are they related? I m now on my 6th day of Doxy-cycl hycl 100mg twice a day and I m not seeing any improvement. My fac e, chin, forehead, neck, chest & back is COVERED in these pimple like things. How long will this last? I m on week 5 of this.