Hi, I m 18 years old and two days ago I had unprotected sex. I never had unprotected sex before but afterwards (minutes later), my vagina started to sting and itch a little around the inside. My partner doesn t have any other sex partners and doesn t have any transmitted diseases. About 3-4 weeks ago, I got tested for an STD and they all came back negative. However, when I took a shower that night, I had a dish towel (It was pretty rough) instead of a body wash towel and I recall that I was scrubbing pretty hard down there. While my partner and I were having sex, due to his size, it hurt pretty bad because it was as if he was forcing it in and I m very sensitive down there. I also wasn t lubricated enough. When we finished, I went to the bathroom and washed myself with the towel I had used earlier when I took a shower. Then, I remembered using the dish towel for several reasons that night, I washed some dishes,I had washed off my makeup, and I used the towel to clean my hands off eating some hot wings with the exact towel I used before I went to the bathroom. The towel appeared pretty dirty but I didn t really think anything of it at the time because I cannot go without washing myself after sex, so I washed myself off with the cleanest part I seen. When I got through washing up, I layed on the bed with my underwear off to try to give it some air and that s when the burning and soreness begun. The morning I woke up, my vagina started to itch a little inside and it felt swollen but when I urinate it doesn t burn or anything. Later that day, the discomfort continued so I examined myself in the mirror but didn t experience anything out the ordinary like bad odor, yellow discharge, or redness. In fact, it appeared as normal as it always is. It s just the burning and the itching that s irritating me. Today, it s been doing the same thing so I took a shower, put some lotion on it, and didn t put any underwear on to see if it would help reduce the burning and itching. I ve had this happen to me once before due to me shaving too rough, scrubbing too hard, and wearing underwear the I most likely allergic to. I m just very scared since I had unprotected sex for the first time that it might be something that I don t want it to be. I need to know what id happening and what should I do immediately before it s something serious. Please help.