Hi, I am a 16 year old female and have recently noticed that blue veins seem to be covering my body. They are slightly visible all over my legs. There is a web-like patch on my hip, breasts, and chest. There are faint veins on my temples and jawline. I also have bright blue lines all down my arms but I've had these for a long time so they aren't too much of a problem. I am recently recovering from anorexia. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall and 106 pounds (still recovering) Could being underweight be the cause of these prominent veins? Will they go away as I continue to gain weight? I am not fair skinned and I have a very healthy diet and I do very mild exercise, (mostly walking). I don't believe these are spider or varicose veins because they do not hurt nor stick out. (they only stick out on my feet and hands, any suggestions for these?) I would really love to know what this is all about and if they there is any way to lessen/get rid of the appearance of these pesky veins. Thanks very much!