About 7 weeks ago, I was having left testicular pain . Doctor suspected epidymititis, despite it not being swollen nor red. I took two rounds of antibiotics and the pain never went away. After doing physical therapy for back pain , and putting a blanket on my chair, and wearing supportive underwear, the testicular pain is under control. However, I ve noticed the pain seems like it s... expanding in area? I used to get these really small, intermittent pains in my left abdomen and bottom abdomen (seems to correspond to the descending colon looking at charts), but it seems like it s been getting more noticeable and sharp/burnish. And, I ve been recently getting an increasingly prominent kind of sharp pain in the bottom of my left lung over the last 2 weeks, and it s sore to touch and hurts when coughing. Also, random muscles in my left pectoral area get sore at random times of the day? I m not sure if it s related or it s just stress. I have this somewhat noticeable bulge in my left pelvic area, but the doctor felt in the area and said it wasn t a hernia . Don t know if it s related to cancer or back problems or what... Got a referral to a urologist , but the paperwork has me lost in transition since I don t have regular insurance , so that s uncertain and certainly not timely.