Hi! I have a question about my cervical mucus. When I was a teenager, I used to get these egg white discharge. However, when I got into my mid-twenties, I don't get them anymore. Also, I seem to get these thick white/sometimes very pale yellow discharge (normal odor). I asked my OB-GYN about it, and she said, it's normal and it would depend on where I am in my cycle. I also have these cloudy white thin watery discharge right after I get the creamy white ones. and I do not know if this is relevant, but I always see the creamy white discharge after sex on my partner's penis - no matter where I am in my cycle. It is only the quantity that varies. Sometimes, it is a lot, and sometimes, it's little. So I did a little research on the net and found out that the creamy white stuff is the non fertile secretion and the egg white cm are the fertile discharge. My question is, could it be that I am not fertile anymore?