Hi ,
Thanks for writing in.
Diffuse hair loss is most common type of
baldness in your age group.
Stress and irregular lifestyle can cause hair loss
In general measures to avoid hair loss you should
- avoid stress, maintain good diet ,adequate sleep,regular exercise.Keeping good general health will add to treatment.
-Take one fruit every day.Take lemon juice and other citrous foods as they are rich in
vitamin C and anti oxidants.
-Do not comb when hairs are wet.
-Use widely spaced comb with rounded teeth(not sharp ends).
-Avoid hot water for bathing(use lukewarm water)
-Avoid hardening gels/ harsh colors/chemicals on scalp.
-Avoid direct sunexposure/heat/wind exposure to your hair.
-You can use
nizoral shampoo for hair wash.
A visit to
dermatologist can allow to get some clinic based treatments like Mesotherapy and
dermaroller for hair loss.These have faster effect for stopping hair loss.Also few prescription drugs will help a lot.
Hope this helps.
I will be available for follow up.
SKin hair nail specialist