Hi, I broke my tibia , fibula , broken and dislocated ankle, and tore a bunch of ligaments 5 weeks ago when my horse fell on me. 3 day after, I had surgery where 2 plates and 12 screws were put in place. I was in a splint for 3 days, then a hard cast which they took off after about 2 weeks. I was given a removable walking cast (non weight bearing) and execises to do to regain the range of motion in my ankle. Now at 5 weeks, I am still non weight bearing, but have almost full range of motion in my ankle, and swelling and pain has gone away, although it still swells if I stand for long amounts of time. The incisions on either sides of my leg have reduced to nothing but pink lines. Is it okay for me to start swimming for excercise? I was VERY active before this break, and I find it hard to sleep without heavy cardio.