hello , today my husband was performing oral sex on me when I noticed an uneasy feeling when he began . it didnt hurt it was more like a sharp tingling feeling that was not okay. We checked it out together in the bathroom when we discovered 3 little tiny mounted tender red areas on my clitoris. When you touch them It feels extremely weird. It doesn't burn or sting . when I wipe it doesn't affect it either. I just recently had my son (2months ago ) and got my last check up 2 weeks prior. The entire pregnancy all my blood test for any STDS and or HIV/AIDS were negative. Since then Today was my husband and I first time becoming sexually active again ... now this appears ???Now , I've also noticed my body itchings everywhere BADLY creating sore bumps in areas like my mouth , arms , legs , back etc . when I went a while back for the itching the doctors said it was something called folucitis(totally butchered that word) but they say the little infectous bumps come from razors etc well I haven't shaved since forever ?!