You have 2 problems
1) Tiny stone in the left kidney
2) You have gastric problem - which may be hyper acidity - leading
indigestion and gas formation. Moreover Gas inside the stomach is a normal one. Only excessive gas is an abnormal finding and mostly diagnosed by X-ray.
The tiny kidney stone is not a problem at all. It may produce pain from the kidney area to the lower middle of the abdomen on that particular side and not on both sides.
The urine alkalising agents is useful, but along with that Antibiotic, pain killers and
diuretic as per your treating Dr's choice Intake of plenty of water + barley rice water and not holding the urine for a long time is advised.
Take treatment for your Hyper - acidity, That is
Timely bland diet, avoiding hot drinks, gas forming food items and chilly.
Antacid + Antispasmodic + Anti flaultuants are advised
Generally your problem is nothing to worry. Watch for descend of stone.
Best wishes