1. total salt intake should not exceed 2 grams per day.
2. no extra salt should be taken during meals.
3. use Losalt where salt is essential.
4. avoid salt rich food: pickles, papad, sauce,cheese,salted butter-biscuits-peanuts cashews- butter milk, wafers, popcorns
5. take potassium rich foods like grapes, mosumbi.
6. avoid saturated oils and use monosaturated or polyunsaturated oils.
7. avoid all deep fried foods, unskimmed milk, meat.
8. increase fibre intake i.e. leafy vegetables, salads, fruits, pulses and legumes.
9.use skimmed or double toned low fat milk.
10. check with a Cardiologist regarding
Lipid profile, E.C.G. for any I.H.D. changes.