I though from my symptoms to have had a yeast infeccion a couple.of months ago, i took monistat and all was well, but i kept having an itchy clitoris. I started noticing a whitish sustance around the outer vaginal lips and also coming.out of my clitoris hood. But nothing coming.out of the vagina, my vagina discharge .is normal, but i started to notice an oniony smell from the white discharge coming out of my clitoris, not fishy but oniony, granted i started to ponder and that day i had onions in my Food, but the smell is kinda off and on,, not constant, i have been reading about vaginal conditions and im not sure which one i should determine i have. I rule out std because my symptoms are not of an std, i have a lil bit of soreness, but thats only with the taking of the monsitat, because i put it on over night. I have had sex but my partner is cleaan of stds and infections. Please if i could get more info or anything, i would appreciate it