Hi! I m Gabriel, 52 years old and need help on how I can treat oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, RBC 2 x 10^6/ml; My Quantitative semen analysis are as follows: volume 1.9ml, sperm concentration 1.4 million/ml, total sperm count 2.7 million, overall motility 3%, Total motile count 79,800, forward progression 10%, Viability 26%, WBC , Estimated normal forms 1%; Abnormal forms consists of abnormal heads: tapering 20, pyriform 10, double 1, amorphous 22; neck/mid-piece defects: bent necks 25, thickened mid-piece 1, cytoplasmic doplet 8; tail defects coiled tails 12. I am a late bloomer as they say and just got married 2 years ago, never had an idea that I am infertile ; I have been taking maintenance medicines for high cholesterol and uric acid; Me and my wife would really like to have a child. My wife is 45 years old but have normal ovaries and still ovulating. Hope you can help us. Thank you!