I have Hashimoto s that is being treated with 120mg of Armour daily, low vitamin D levels for which I take D3 daily. I have been having gallbladder type pain (but it was removed in 2005) and underwent an ultrasound this past week. The test showed that I am boderline hepatomegaly and splenomegaly with some fatty changes to the liver and no visual issues with the pancreas or ducts. Last night we were messing around with a glucometer (my friend is diabetic, I have no family with diabetes and neither am I) We tested my glucose 2 hours post prandial and it was 81; 4 hours later I was at 66 after consuming regular coca cola all evening. I ate some candy and 15 minutes later it was at 129. Ten hours later after an overnight fasting, glucose was at 113. After breakfast it was at 130. Is it possible that what ever immune disorder I have in relation to my Hashimoto s is attacking my liver, spleen, and pancreas? I plan on seeing my doc for an A1C.