Thanks for posting on HCM,
Actually, your present doctors seem to have ignored an important factor in your history the fact that you had suffered from typhoid.
Typhoid fever in my experience is a "very tricky" diseases to treat. Despite what the literature says, you might attempt to treat typhoid with the indicated antibiotics and still fail or the possibility of re-occurrence is still there. Looking at your symptoms, I do believe that you might still be suffering from a bowel infection which might not necessary be due to salmonellosis. A simple stool exams +/- culture can reveal a lot. Your age rule outs possibilities of a colorectal tumor/cancer, hence we are left with mostly infection to try identifying. Amoeba,
salmonella etc are common pathogens found in West Africa that can often cause such symptoms.
A course of antibiotics such as
metronidazole and/or
ciprofloxacin can remedy this situation definitely.
Malaria will not complicate with such bowel symptoms especially with
blood in stool.
If I was your present physician I will do a widal tests (to rule out typhoid), stool exams, malaria and complete blood analysis.
Colonoscopy can be unnecessary at this stage (given that it is an invasive and uncomfortable procedure).
Hope this helps and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah