hello there!
Thank you for asking.
susten are oral progesterones and they are used only when conception is conceived or in the second phase (luteal phase) or cycle which are after 14 days from first day of bleeding. So i can imagine why are you haviong troubles in conceiving.
Folic acid is a blood helper. keep taking it. use green leaf vegetables, fresh salads, take folic acid with
vitamin C 60 minute before meal. All these are to help your bleeding profile healthy.
we call people infertile if they have been trying to conceive for more than a year with minimum coital freequency of 2-3 in a week with regular followup of calender methods that is working harder from days 11 to 18 since first day of menstrual bleeding. The position of intercourse also matters.
If you have some menstrual irregularities or PCOD (poly cystic ovarian syndrome ) or if you are
obese /
overweight you need to treat the cause first and fertility will itself resolve.See the fertility clinic and ask for their help.
get your spouse with you and have you both assessed for causes of
infertility. get evaluated and examined with a good fertility specialist and i am sure your problem will resolve,.
mean while modify lifestyle, reduce weight, excercise regularly, follow calender method for intercourse, use some ovulation inductions like
clomiphene citrate, assess your spouse for sperm health. treat any underlying menstrual condition if present . have regular follow ups visit to a gynecologist and fertility clinic and if the problem persists come and grab me from my collar. :)
Good luck
Dr S khan