Hi, I am a 26 year old healthy female who is TTC baby #1. My husband and I have been trying since August with no luck. I went off BC in July, didn t get my period until October and have had regular 30 day cycles since then. As long as I can remember I have always had brown spotting 2-3 days before getting my period. Last month and this month, I know when I ovulated and 2 days after I started getting brown discharge . (This month this started yesterday as I am 2dpo.) Last month it lasted a week, stopped for 2 days then I got my period. The day before I got my period I took a HPT and got a very faint positive. I then got my period which lasted 3 days then negative HPT obviously. Just wondering why I would have this brown spotting/discharge after I ovulate and why it lasts so long.