Hi and I am so sorry to hear that you have difficulties getting pregnant.
This makes most people feel very anxious and worried. I understand your genuine concerns.
Becoming pregnant is a game of luck. Even when every thing is normal, others will still fail to conceive after trying for more than a year of frequent unprotected sex. Also, treatment is always guided by what the identified problem is.
Ultrasound of the pelvis alone cannot tell whether all is well or not. unless some other tests were also done like
hormonal investigations, HSG(a test that look at how permeable to tubes are) etc, I am afraid you may need some other tests.
pregnancy concerns a man and a woman. The man needs to have his semen checked unless this has already been done. This is the first test to be done before investigating the woman thoroughly.
Duphaston will only treat a hormonal problem,. If none has been identified, then duphaston will most likely not work because that is not the problem.
I hope this helps you as you strive to get answers and a definite solution to this worry which is becoming pregnant.
Feel free to contact us again if you need more answers.