Dear Dr. Grief, I am a 43 yo female who has pain uncontrollable at times due to a MVA 9 years ago. I have a deceased son at 17, a 17 year old and a 3 yo and a 1 yo. I had fractures of C7 thru T10 in the wreck and was immobilized for 6 months. right ,fx rib right side . As a result, I have very little weight loss, and sleep apnea (treated with CPAP setting at 7)..I weigh now about 350 pounds. My doctor is wonderful and has been my rock throughout my last 11 years. She treats me with pain meds, muscle relaxers, anti inflammatory meds, and cymbalta for chronic pain. Do you think I will ever be able to have quality of life again? Will I become dependent on these meds?