Hey im 15.Ive been under major major anxiety and stress.Ive been constantly deeling with it.Ive thought ive had brain tumours, HIV , HPV ,Oral, Anus Cancer, Colon Cancer etc etc. Most of these symtoms have gone away and it was just anxiety bringing these symtoms that i thought were one of those diseases.But the only remaining symtoms i endure are numbness under my tongue.This has recently come about and it is not the first time i have felt this way.Im scared because i noticed black veins coming out of the two main veins out stretching to the back of my tonuge.Almost like a long tree branch. Is this Oral Cancer?also i find only sometimes tiny spots of red blood on my stool.ive had sexual intercourse with a guy and girl. and am worried i got a really bad disease plz help!!!!!