Hi. I m 19 years old and I had my last period day on the 17th of September. On September 18th, I had unprotected sex. About 2 days later I had bleeding that I thought was my period, but when I wiped it was dark brown and I could see light pink. It lasted about 3-4 days. Since then I haven t had any more bleeding, but discharge . I ve been moody, slight cramps , craving for certain food, and started today I have pressure on my left side, occasionally moving to the middle and right. My stomach is also very heavy. I ve had 6 pregnancy test , last one I took last week, but all negative. I don t know what to think. I need help! My boyfriend also said my boobs have gotten bigger and nipples have gotten darker. And I ve had A LOT of discharge!(white) I need some insight!