hi doctor, im pregnant right know. im 23 or 24 weeks, i cant remember if i had my last period on febuary 19 or 22 it was between those 3 days. The problem is that i slept with 2 guys around the same time i got pregnant i slept with guy one on the 4th and 6th of march and guy two on the 5th but i didnt use any protection at all with neither one, guy one finished inside me both times and guy two took it out before he finished after that i only had sex with guy one that whole week but after that week i had sex with guy two with the same method, take it out before coming. around March 20 i started getting the sympthoms thsat i was pregnant. Guy one had all the sympthoms as well more than i did, he would get really hungry, cravings, tired, nauseas, vomiting . those that mean that theres no doubt guy one is the father? i havent talked or seen guy 2 since april, what are the posabilities that guy one is the father? can he get the pregnancy sympthoms even if he is not the dad? could there be any chance i got gregnant before the week of march 4 or after? my due date is november 26 is there any way i can be certain who is the father before my due date? or without doing a DNA test?