Ok. I woke up on Saturday with my eye area being swollen. It went down. Sunday I had no problems. Monday I woke up with the whole upper eyelid swollen to the point of almost being shut. My husband cam home and took me to an Urgent care, where the person told me to go to the ER. We did not go. Tuesday the upper eyelid was swolen along with a water sack on the lower. With days of hot and cold compresses, it is getting better, but still have an egg right below my eybrow area. My husband keeps saying it is a sty, but I have only seen stys being on the eyelash area. Before this flare-up, I had had a small hard spot with a little white dot where the big flare-up is at now. Almost like a wart thing or flesh colored mole type thing? It hurts to the touch, is red and still very inflamed and hot to the touch. The water sack now goes down with alot of cold compresses during the day, but reappears in the a.m. when I wake up. The big red mass right below my eyebrow stays. It is about 3/4 inch in length and 1/2 inch in width???