Hello and welcome.
Thank you for your query.
Do not worry. Your presentation is almost similar to that of a person with a
urinary tract infection. Although this can be confirmed only after a urine examination. And your presentation and diagnosis could be best assessed by a doctor in person.
Let me explain a few of the most common urinary tract infection symptoms:
-Burning sensation while urinating
-Frequent urination
-Moderate to high grade fever
-Chills (occasionally)
A urinary tract infection is more common in women as they have genitalia which is anatomically more susceptible to bacteria. Though men also frequently suffer from a urinary tract infection (UTI).
I would like to know your age, as UTI's are more common in elderly men who have an
enlarged prostate gland. The prostate gland is located around the
urinary bladder (where the urine is stored, once it comes down from the kidneys) and the urethra (the tube like structure connecting the urinary bladder to the external genitalia (from where the urine is expelled out).
The enlarged prostate gland, especially present in the elderly is called
prostatomegaly. Can be diagnosed by the doctor and confirmed with an
ultrasound investigation.
Symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate that is causing complications are:
-Frequent urination
-Feeling of incomplete evacuation of urine
-Dribbling of urine (only drops coming out, may be falling on feet)
-Poor stream (poor speed of flow)
Please discuss your symptoms with a
urologist if they match the above list of symptoms.
Next, let us discuss
masturbation. It is considered a healthy habit, and all habits done in moderation, cannot harm a human being. Although I would like to advise the use of sterile and clean lubricants (if you use a lubricant while masturbating) and also clean hands and genitalia, to avoid any infections. Maintaining good hygiene can prevent a long list of problems.
I would request you to visit either a urologist (preferred) or your family physician and discuss your condition with him/her. A urine analysis and urine culture can help greatly in reaching a diagnosis and choosing the best suited antibiotic to treat you (if required).
I hope this information has helped you. You can always write back to us for any further clarifications.
Wishing you good health.