hi sir, i am 23, unmarried man, i used to masturbation in excess at the age of 16 to 20 yr and after the age of 21 when i came to know masturbating in excess is not healthy for my body, i gradually reduce masturbation to 4 to 5 times in a month or even less. Sir from last five months when nightfalls occurs i feel severe pain in my glans penis , pain lasts upto 30min to 1 hr and it seems like my penis is going to explode means very much pressure, i get instant relief if i urinate in such condition, such problems occurs only after nightfall and not during or after masturbation, i have not done sexual intercourse with any girl or women till now. i m very much worried about dis problem.....please tell me the precise reason behind dis prblm and also suggest the fruitful remedy. i ll be thankful to you for dis.....awaiting for your valuable answer.