Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
I would come up with these possibilities in such type of irregular bleeding , these includes.
1 PCOD ( PCOS ) i.e. Poly Cystic
Ovarian Disease , as irregular bleeding , dysfunctional bleeding ,
amenorrhea , young age all are characteristic features of PCOD . Diagnosis can be confirmed by
ultrasound of both ovaries.
2 Fibroid uterus , diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound of uterus .
3 Actually bowel movement develops mild elevation in abdominal pressure and this produces bleeding ( as exerted pressure from abdomen also develops pressure over uterus , so bleeding is there), so
endometriosis may be the another cause. Diagnosis can be confirmed by uterus ultrasound.
Get in examination of
estrogen , androgen F S H/ L H ratio.
In my opinion the best way is to consult a gynecologist and get his opinion.
Good luck. Dr. HET