We have a son who has shown unusual signs for some time....this past four years.
He has studied at university, is very talented musicically , and is very athletic and physically fit,
but has shown some extremes .He is 28 yrs and had been working with GNS Science in field of Geo Physics.
He seemed at times disorientated in the latter 6mths out of his working for 2yrs there.
We were very concerned and made inquiries after concerns where our son was doing bizarre things like running for hours late at night or deciding to experiment with physics problems etc to excessive hours etc or seemed apprehensive . Also lacking insight in some situations where things are appropiate or inappropriate.
In the past he had always been very courteous, responsible, sensitive to needs and people's situations.
So this was quite out of character and most unlike him, and made us realize something wasn't right with him. After making iquiries at his workplace we also realized he had had treatment Larium ( Malaria innoculation ) by his GNS Science Co as part of a prerequisite in case of posting in Indonesia.
We wondered if this could have triggered some of the behaviours now evident which point to possible Schizoprenia especially Catatonic symtoms ( stationary in one position for lengthy periods) social withdrawal at times,explosive reactions,
fear of cellphones , Internet, and not wanting to communicate or enter into any decisionmaking.
We have observed a deterioration and isolation, intolerance to light , curtains always drawn,
repetitiveness and routine etc,
Because of the Privacy Act we are not informed by his Dr or Psychologist and so we asked for a referral to privately have an assessment of his Mental state.
He is receiving some help from Psychological counsellors but we would like to see someone who could advise us on how to help our son recognize his need for specialist medical help as we also want to minimize areas of inaccurate diagnosis. We are his parents and have been supporting him and caring for him but feel very shut out in helping for his recovery plan. It seems that the System is happy to allow his condition to continue for years while we know that the longer this situation is left untreated the greater the damage can be to our son's health.
Please can you advise what we should do .
and possible harmful side effects