Hi Im very concerned I was diagnose with hepetitis c 18 years ago... Im 55 years old In the past 2months I have come with a rash on my body...started on my lowerback then my feet my doc thought it was foloculittis it started like little red dots, then looked like a pimple very eachee he put me on a antibiotic for 4 days,,, that didn't help,,, 2 weeks later he put me on a 10 day stronger anibiotic,,, that did't work eather.... he then called it exzema.... I have check on line my simptoms,, and I think is my liver is in bad shape Im very scare..don't know what to do.. Ive taking liver vitiamis Im eatting healthy drinking beet and spinach lemon shakes...in the morning.... started eating garlic with lime juice lot's of thr rash is desapering... what do I do I don;t have insurance yet...