yes, I have taken lyrica successfully for several years. about 3 months ago, I started plaquenil, as I can't take NSAIDS. I started having severe anxiety/panic attacks, about 4-5 weeks ago. I thought it was stress. I also developed a small psoriasis patch on my face,(never had before) and had a lot of all over itching. I still thought nothing of it-then about 6 days ago, had a weird numbness on my face-it felt like I had a mask on, even though I could feel my hand touching it. I called my dr., 3 days later, no response, so I called today and they said stop the lyrica.!? wow, well I had quit the plaquenil,about 3 days ago and feel better! I started to notice, when I would take my morning plaquenil dose, about 30-45 min later, I'd have that horrible "wash" of panic sweep over me. I've had anxiety before, but this was so intense and awful--I thought I was going crazy. I have now developed a fear of meds....I am afraid to take plaquenil again, even though dr. says to take it!